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Cal RCV Strategy Meeting - June 2024

Jun 5, 2024

Guest speakers shared insights and updates on RCV progress in California and our neighbor to the north, Oregon

Map of California cities using RCV

This past Wednesday, we hosted a statewide strategy meeting with phenomenal guest speakers from Portland, OR, Richmond, Santa Clara, and Los Angeles. In case you missed it, the recording is now up on YouTube and I HIGHLY recommend watching!

2:30 - How Portland Oregon got Proportional Ranked Choice Voting (Sol Mora)
20:01 - Oregon's statewide ballot measure for RCV (Sol Mora)
28:32 - Richmond, CA's effort to get RCV on the ballot for Nov 2024 (Sue Wilson & Ken White)
36:27 - An update on our progress in Santa Clara County (Allie Hughes)
40:10 - The opportunity to get Proportional RCV on the ballot for 2026 in Los Angeles 

We were joined by Sol Mora, Advocacy Director at Portland (OR) Communities of Color. Sol was instrumental in bringing Proportional RCV to Portland and is now working on statewide RCV adoption in our neighbor to the north! California RCV activists can learn a lot from her experience building awareness and diverse coalitions to build deep community support for this important reform.

Supporters also get the latest updates on Cal RCV's progress, including updates on RCV efforts in Santa Clara County, Richmond, and Los Angeles!

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