Single-choice voting is failing us — dividing communities, encouraging negative campaigns, and wasting millions on unnecessary elections.
Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) is a game-changer. It lets you rank candidates in order of preference, giving you more voice. If your top pick doesn't win, your vote moves to your next choice — simple, fair, and more democratic.
RCV makes campaigns more positive because candidates look for common ground with their opponents instead of mudslinging.
RCV makes our government more representative. More women, people of color, and 3rd party candidates run and win in RCV elections.
Decreases Cost
Using RCV, we can consolidate two elections into one, which saves taxpayer money and increases voter participation.
RCV by the Numbers
as likely to say campaigns were a lot less negative than other recent contests.
Voters surveyed in RCV cities were nearly
RCV increases meaningful voter participation by making the general election the one that actually decides the winner, when
as many Californians participate compared to primaries.
San Francisco taxpayers save
every election year by using RCV instead of multiple low-turnout elections.

Our Strategy to Win
Cal RCV aims for more choice, better representation, and less divisiveness in government at all levels. Our pragmatic approach starts with expanding Ranked Choice Voting for local California elections, expanding to state and federal elections, and ultimately building support for national adoption of Proportional RCV.
Cities & Counties
With 27 local wins in a row, it's proven that voters want Ranked Choice Voting. Cal RCV volunteers work in communities around the state to get RCV passed. Join an Intro Meeting to find out how to bring RCV to your city!
With increasing usage of Ranked Choice Voting in local elections, awareness and support continue to grow. Cal RCV will introduce a statewide ballot measure for federal and state-level offices in an upcoming election cycle.
With the largest state enjoying the benefits of RCV, support for the Fair Representation Act will grow, bringing Proportional RCV to the U.S. House and creating a more inclusive and deliberative government that respects and empowers all voices.